What is the best way to increase muscle mass in bodybuilding?
Consuming a variety of nutritional substitute supplements throughout the day.
1.) (PROTEIN) supplements are one of the most reliable and useful supplements. Providing you with a substitute for food protein supplements are beneficial due to its key ingredients.
2.) Dextrose (AKA glucose) is a high GI (glycemic index), fast absorbing type of simple carbohydrate. Dextrose is used by bodybuilders and athletes to induce an insulin spike and replace glycogen in muscle cells which is lost during training. (CARBS)
3.) (FATS) Fish oils which provide you with beneficial ingredients such as omega-3's.
They reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, as well as provide other health benefits, such as helping to prevent muscle breakdown, enhance joint healing, and improve brain function. New research also shows that these fats can directly boost fat loss and enhance muscle growth.
"BodyBuilding Revealed" by Will Brink (Will Brink graduated from Harvard University with a concentration in the natural sciences has been a writer, scientific researcher, consultant to supplement companies, and trainer for 20 years relating to health/fitness and performance. He has co-authored several studies relating to sports nutrition and health and published in peer reviewed academic journals.) - He is my best source because all of his sources have been received by actual experiments.